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We have added a new beer to our range – a gluten free pale ale called MISTRAL. It is light and refreshing with good fruity flavours and aromas and only 3.7%.

Throughout this year we have noticed an increase in the number of requests for gluten-free beer and we don’t like to disappoint our customers!

So over the past few months, our brewers have been trialing different methods of producing a gluten free beer. Option one is to use low gluten content grains such as Sorghum or option two is to use an enzyme during the brewing process to denature the gluten. After some blind tastings of the finished products, the preferred beer was produced using the enzyme to denature the gluten.

In the UK, beer classed as gluten-free must be have a gluten level less than 20ppm. Each of our brews of MISTRAL are sent away to be tested to ensure that it meets these levels.

We are really happy with the result – why not find out for yourself by heading to our online shop to buy some.

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